Start-ups met Investors at EY in Düsseldorf - Review

On Wednesday we had the honor and pleasure to conduct and moderate the event "Start-ups meet Investors" at the beautiful Sky Lounge at the EY-Offices in Düsseldorf in cooperation with EY and the Business Development Agency of Düsseldorf.

Titus Zwirner from EY opened the evening introducing briefly EY's great global network with 220.000 professionals ready to assist companies! EY is very active in the Start-up-Scene and is offering very competitive packages for young companies!

Uwe Kerkmann, Head of the Business Development Agency in Düsseldorf introduced the efforts his agency is supporting to enable start-ups to not only choose Düsseldorf as their seat of business but to feel welcome and able to reach out to the agency's network for assistance in all areas.

8 Start-ups presented their businesses to a group of distinguished investors from VC-Firms, Family Offices and from the Business Angel Network. Here is just a quick summary of the businesses looking for investment - in case of interest we are more than glad to connect you directly with the companies:

1. Dear Reality

A great technology offering 3-D-Spatial-Audio for various Virtual Reality applications; games, 360 degree-video, concerts etc. Very experienced founders with a very good network in the industry


A totally new way of looking at possibilities to not only market movies in cinemas and as Video on Demand or DVDs later: you can inquire about the locations where the movies were made, buy products used in the movies or clothes worn by the Stars all with pretty much one click. Also a great tool for movie theaters to get rated regarding their services and offers

3. Graphmasters

Traffic and how to avoid it is their expertise! To enter markets they started with logistics and now have testimonials from Hermes about more than significant cost and time savings in their delivery services. You can check it out in downloading the App UMA (Urban Mobility Assistant) and compare it with your regular navigation system - you will be surprised!

4. Kaasa Health

The Attention Deficit Syndrome (ADS) with elementary kids is an issue that deserves worldwide recognition and Kaasa offers with "Meister Cody" a gaming solution based on the latest scientific research to assist kids in math, writing and reading with already measurable success! 

5. Mapudo

The market for industrial materials - starting with products from the steel-industry - is fragmented and the pricing etc. not very transparent. Mapudo is offering a platform for price-comparison and direct purchase ability and thus makes it easier for buyers to find the perfect product in the desired quality and quantity.

6. Trusted References (TR)

Who did not have the experience that after servicing clients you would like their testimonial, but don't know exactly how to write or obtain it? Here is the solution: TR offers its platform with tools to write a testimonial quickly and also offers the services to distribute it in the channels most suited for your business!

7. Zanum

You need motivation to stay fit and healthy but find a personal trainer just a bit too expensive? Try Zanum and its upcoming App with fantastic videos not only showing you how to perform the exercises correctly and with tools actual in the market! Their major launch will be in December at the Candy! 

8.  Bottled

A wonderful new approach for convenience drinks - alcohol free and cocktails! The unique idea behind it is building a brand and then distribute it in specific business sectors: business like hotels and conferences, youth, sports etc. Cool idea, cool product and cool founders

All companies had best chances to talk directly with the investors during the break and the get together after the presentations.

If interested in contacting the companies don't hesitate to contact us: [email protected]